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Film Production Kit You Need on Location

Custom foam inserts

Working out on location for a film production, whether you are an amateur film maker or part of a professional crew, requires the use of quite often expensive equipment. Travelling to and from a project and transporting your film production kit from one part of a site to another could be dangerous for the equipment you are carrying.

A Zarges aluminium case provides safety, security and longevity, three things that are crucial to someone who works on film production projects and is out on location for the majority of his or her working schedule.

There are a few different pieces of equipment that someone working in film production will need a strong and bespoke travel case for. This includes:

It is vital that all equipment is present, secure and ready to use as and when it is called upon during a production shoot for film and television. Our cases have been designed and built using lightweight, yet sturdy aluminium to offer versatility and ease of use, with added protection in the form of custom foam inserts to add another layer of shock absorption should your cases suffer from impact during transit or on site whilst shooting.

To find out more information about Zarges cases and how our high quality aluminium transportation cases are well suited to the specific needs of a film and television production, contact our customer service team today.
